Language and translation technology is in constant development. We are committed to maintaining the state of our art, whether it be in our linguistic domains or in the technical tools upon which we rely. This implies, amongst other activities, that we regularly attend training courses both in France and overseas, participate in professional conferences and read on a daily basis the press and forums specialising in our working languages.
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Our quality statement
Professional training
12 August 2020, by zeddgre -
Research and documentations
12 August 2020, by zeddgreExcellent language skills and a good shelf of dictionaries contribute to the translator’s stock in trade, but they are far from sufficient! Our clients subject areas will need to be explored, and their specific terminology developed. We will improve our understanding of your activity before finalising any translation of your documents. We also regularly update the state of our knowledge in our fields of translation.
12 August 2020, by zeddgreWe treat all the information our clients entrust to us with the highest confidentiality. The deadlines we fix together are to be rigorously respected.
Innovative tools
12 August 2020, by zeddgreWe use translation memory technology and project-specific terminology management. These tools help us ensure that the style and terminology of our translations conform to clients’ needs. Terminology quality control is a continuous and long-term process, the fruit of experience and exchange.
Optimal quality
12 August 2020, by zeddgreQuality translation is not just about sense and style; we work on the coherence and precision of the terminology deployed, and we are committed to ensuring that the structure and syntax of our texts are both clear and correct. For we insist that our translations are pleasing to the ear !
Three languages, one principle
12 August 2020, by zeddgreWe are specialised in the languages from which we translate (German, English and French) and the cultures they convey, and we will pay particular attention to the cultural references embodied in your texts.
An entirely in-house operation
12 August 2020, by zeddgreWe translate solely into our mother tongue or into a language of which we have perfect command. Occasionally, for requests for which we do not possess the necessary skills or working languages, we entrust translations to outside collaborators with whom we have a longstanding working relationship. However, we always proof read these translations in full in-house before sending them to our customers.